
Server endpoints

If you are exposing endpoints using one of the server interpreters, you might want to test a complete server endpoint, how validations, built-in and custom interceptors and error handling behaves. This might be done while providing alternate, or using the original server logic.

Such testing is possible by creating a special sttp client backend. When a request is sent using such a backend, no network traffic is happening. Instead, the request is decoded using the provided endpoints, the appropriate logic is run, and then the response is encoded - as in a real server interpreter. But similar as with a request, the response isn’t sent over the network, but returned directly to the caller. Hence, binding to an interface isn’t necessary to run these tests.

You can define the sttp requests by hand, to see how an arbitrary request will be handled by your server endpoints. Or, you can interpret an endpoint as a client, to test both how the client & server interpreters interact with your endpoints.

The special backend that is described above is based on a SttpBackendStub, which can be used to stub arbitrary behaviors. See the sttp documentation for details.

Tapir builds upon the SttpBackendStub to enable stubbing using Endpoints or ServerEndpoints. To start, add the dependency:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-sttp-stub-server" % "1.0.6"

Let’s assume you are using the akka http interpreter. Given the following server endpoint:

import sttp.tapir._
import sttp.tapir.server.ServerEndpoint
import scala.concurrent.Future

val someEndpoint: Endpoint[String, Unit, String, String, Any] = endpoint.get
val someServerEndpoint: ServerEndpoint[Any, Future] = someEndpoint
  .serverSecurityLogic(token =>
    Future.successful {
      if (token == "password") Right("user123") else Left("unauthorized")
  .serverLogic(user => _ => Future.successful(Right(s"hello $user")))  

A test which verifies how this endpoint behaves when interpreter as a server might look as follows:

import org.scalatest.flatspec.AsyncFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import sttp.client3._
import sttp.client3.testing.SttpBackendStub
import sttp.tapir.server.stub.TapirStubInterpreter

class MySpec extends AsyncFlatSpec with Matchers {
  it should "work" in {
    // given
    val backendStub: SttpBackend[Future, Any] = TapirStubInterpreter(SttpBackendStub.asynchronousFuture)
    // when
    val response = basicRequest
      .header("Authorization", "Bearer password")
    // then
    response.map(_.body shouldBe Right("hello user123"))  

The .backend method creates the enriched SttpBackendStub, using the provided server endpoints and their behaviors. Any requests will be handled by a stub server interpreter, using the complete request handling logic.

Custom interpreters

Custom interpreters can be provided to the stub. For example, to test custom exception handling, we might have the following customised akka http options:

import sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.exception.ExceptionHandler
import sttp.tapir.server.interceptor.CustomiseInterceptors
import sttp.tapir.server.akkahttp.AkkaHttpServerOptions
import sttp.tapir.server.model.ValuedEndpointOutput
import sttp.model.StatusCode

val exceptionHandler = ExceptionHandler.pure[Future](ctx =>
      (s"failed due to ${ctx.e.getMessage}", StatusCode.InternalServerError)

val customOptions: CustomiseInterceptors[Future, AkkaHttpServerOptions] = {
  import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

Testing such an interceptor requires simulating an exception being thrown in the server logic:

class MySpec2 extends AsyncFlatSpec with Matchers {

  it should "use my custom exception handler" in {
    // given
    val stub = TapirStubInterpreter(customOptions, SttpBackendStub.asynchronousFuture)
      .thenThrowException(new RuntimeException("error"))
    // when  
      // then
      .map(_.body shouldBe Left("failed due to error"))  

Note that to provide alternate success/error outputs given a ServerEndpoint, the endpoint will have to be typed using the full type information, that is using the ServerEndpoint.Full alias.

External APIs

If you are integrating with an external API, which is described using tapir’s Endpoints, or if you’d like to create an sttp client stub backend, with arbitrary behavior for requests matching an endpoint, you can use the tapir SttpBackendStub extension methods.

Similarly as when testing server interpreters, add the dependency:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-sttp-stub-server" % "1.0.6"

And the following imports:

import sttp.client3.testing.SttpBackendStub
import sttp.tapir.server.stub._

Then, given the following endpoint:

import sttp.tapir._
import sttp.tapir.generic.auto._
import sttp.tapir.json.circe._
import io.circe.generic.auto._

case class ResponseWrapper(value: Double)

val e = sttp.tapir.endpoint
  .in("api" / "sometest4")

Any endpoint can be converted to SttpBackendStub:

import sttp.client3.Identity

val backend: SttpBackendStub[Identity, Any] = SttpBackendStub

Black box testing

When testing an application as a whole component, running for example in docker, you might want to stub external services with which your application interacts.

To do that you might want to use well-known solutions like e.g. wiremock or mock-server, but if their api is described using tapir you might want to use livestub, which combines nicely with the rest of the sttp ecosystem.

Black box testing with mock-server integration

If you are writing integration tests for your application which communicates with some external systems
(e.g payment providers, SMS providers, etc.), you could stub them using tapir’s integration with mock-server

Add the following dependency:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-sttp-mock-server" % "1.0.6"


import sttp.tapir.server.mockserver._

Then, given the following endpoint:

import sttp.tapir._
import sttp.tapir.generic.auto._
import sttp.tapir.json.circe._
import io.circe.generic.auto._

case class SampleIn(name: String, age: Int)

case class SampleOut(greeting: String)

val sampleJsonEndpoint = endpoint.post
  .in("api" / "v1" / "json")

and having any SttpBackend instance (for example, TryHttpURLConnectionBackend or with any other, arbitrary effect F[_] type), convert any endpoint to a mock-server expectation:

import sttp.client3.{TryHttpURLConnectionBackend, UriContext}

val testingBackend = TryHttpURLConnectionBackend()
val mockServerClient = SttpMockServerClient(baseUri = uri"http://localhost:1080", testingBackend)

val in = "request-id-123" -> SampleIn("John", 23)
val out = SampleOut("Hello, John!")

val expectation = mockServerClient
  .whenInputMatches(sampleJsonEndpoint)((), in)

Then you can try to send requests to the mock-server as you would do with live integration:

import sttp.tapir.client.sttp.SttpClientInterpreter
import sttp.client3.{TryHttpURLConnectionBackend, UriContext}

val testingBackend = TryHttpURLConnectionBackend()
val in = "request-id-123" -> SampleIn("John", 23)
val out = SampleOut("Hello, John!")

val result = SttpClientInterpreter()
  .toRequest(sampleJsonEndpoint, baseUri = Some(uri"http://localhost:1080"))
result == out

Endpoints verification

To use, add the following dependency:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-testing" % "1.0.6"

Shadowed endpoints

It is possible to define a list of endpoints where some endpoints will be overlapping with each other. In such case when all matching requests will be handled by the first endpoint; the second endpoint will always be omitted. To detect such cases one can use EndpointVerifier util class which takes an input of type List[AnyEndpoint] an outputs Set[EndpointVerificationError].

Example 1:

import sttp.tapir.testing.EndpointVerifier

val e1 = endpoint.get.in("x" / paths)
val e2 = endpoint.get.in("x" / "y" / "x")
val e3 = endpoint.get.in("x")
val e4 = endpoint.get.in("y" / "x")
val res = EndpointVerifier(List(e1, e2, e3, e4)) 

Results in:

// res2: String = "Set(GET /x, is shadowed by: GET /x/*, GET /x/y/x, is shadowed by: GET /x/*)"

Example 2:

import sttp.tapir.testing.EndpointVerifier

val e1 = endpoint.get.in(path[String].name("y_1") / path[String].name("y_2"))
val e2 = endpoint.get.in(path[String].name("y_3") / path[String].name("y_4"))
val res = EndpointVerifier(List(e1, e2))

Results in:

// res3: String = "Set(GET /{y_3}/{y_4}, is shadowed by: GET /{y_1}/{y_2})"

Note that the above takes into account only the method & the shape of the path. It does not take into account possible decoding failures: these might impact request-endpoint matching, and the exact behavior is determined by the DecodeFailureHandler used.

Incorrect path at endpoint

It is possible to define an endpoint where some part of an input will consume whole remaining path. That case can lead to situation where all other inputs defined after paths wildcard segment are omitted. To detect such cases one can use EndpointVerifier util class which takes an input of type List[AnyEndpoint] an outputs Set[EndpointVerificationError].

Example 1:

import sttp.tapir.testing.EndpointVerifier

val e = endpoint.options.in("a" / "b" / "c").securityIn("x" / "y" / paths)
val result = EndpointVerifier(List(e))

Results in:

// res4: String = "Set(A wildcard pattern in OPTIONS /x/y/*/a/b/c shadows the rest of the paths at index 2)"

Duplicated method definitions at endpoint

It is possible to define an endpoint where there are methods multiple times defined. To detect such cases one can use EndpointVerifier util class which takes an input of type List[AnyEndpoint] an outputs Set[EndpointVerificationError].

Example 1:

import sttp.tapir.testing.EndpointVerifier

val ep = endpoint.options.in("a" / "b" / "c").get
val result2 = EndpointVerifier(List(ep))

Results in:

// res5: String = "Set(An endpoint OPTIONS GET /a /b /c -> -/- have multiple method definitions: List(OPTIONS, GET))"