Datatypes integrations

Cats datatypes integration

The tapir-cats module contains schema, validator and codec instances for some cats datatypes:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-cats" % "0.16.1"

See the sttp.tapir.codec.cats.TapirCodecCats trait or import sttp.tapir.codec.cats._ to bring the implicit values into scope.

Refined integration

If you use refined, the tapir-refined module will provide implicit codecs and validators for T Refined P as long as a codec for T already exists:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-refined" % "0.16.1"

You’ll need to extend the sttp.tapir.codec.refined.TapirCodecRefined trait or import sttp.tapir.codec.refined._ to bring the implicit values into scope.

The refined codecs contain a validator which wrap/unwrap the value from/to its refined equivalent.

Some predicates will bind correctly to the vanilla tapir Validator, while others will bind to a custom validator that might not be very clear when reading the generated documentation. Correctly bound predicates can be found in integration/refined/src/main/scala/sttp/tapir/codec/refined/TapirCodecRefined.scala. If you are not satisfied with the validator generated by tapir-refined, you can provide an implicit ValidatorForPredicate[T, P] in scope using `ValidatorForPredicate.fromPrimitiveValidator’ to build it (do not hesitate to contribute your work!).

Enumeratum integration

The tapir-enumartum module provides schemas, validators and codecs for Enumeratum enumerations. To use, add the following dependency:

"com.softwaremill.sttp.tapir" %% "tapir-enumeratum" % "0.16.1"

Then, import sttp.tapir.codec.enumeratum, or extends the sttp.tapir.codec.enumeratum.TapirCodecEnumeratum trait.

This will bring into scope implicit values for values extending *EnumEntry.

Enumeration integration

There is no library for the use of the build in scala Enumeration, but it can be implemented by hand.

The example code below will generate enums to the open-api documentation.

trait EnumHelper { e: Enumeration =>
    import io.circe._

    implicit val enumDecoder: Decoder[e.Value] = Decoder.decodeEnumeration(e)
    implicit val enumEncoder: Encoder[e.Value] = Encoder.encodeEnumeration(e)

    implicit val schemaForEnum: Schema[e.Value] = Schema(SchemaType.SString)
    implicit def validatorForEnum: Validator[e.Value] = Validator.`enum`(e.values.toList, v => Option(v))
object Color extends Enumeration with EnumHelper {
    type Color = Value
    val Blue = Value("blue")
    val Red   = Value("red")